The Battle of Jutland
The Battle Action at Jutland
*If you cannot see the Flash movie above, you can view the action at Jutland in regular format here

+++ Background to the Battle +++
Why did the most powerful naval forces in the world collide at Jutland?
+++ The Admirals +++
Profiles of the commanders of the British and German fleets.
+++ A Comparison of the Fleets +++
A comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of the British Grand Fleet and the German High Seas Fleet.
+++ The Battle Area +++
Map illustrating the battle area of the Battle of Jutland, showing the positions of the British Grand Fleet and German High Seas Fleet at 14.00 hours on 31st May 1916.
+++ The Battle Action at Jutland +++
An animated movie of the Battlecruiser and Main Fleet action as the world's most powerful naval forces unexpectedly collide at Jutland.
+++ Gains and Losses +++
Damage assessment of the British and German fleets following the Battle of Jutland.
+++ Short Term Consequences +++
Quotes relating to the short term consequences of the Battle of Jutland.
+++ Long Term Consequences +++
Quotes relating to the longer term consequences of the Battle of Jutland.
+++ Free eBook: Battle Fleet Action from HMS Neptune +++
Join the look-out in the fore-top of HMS Neptune as Admiral Beatty's battlecruisers lead the German High Seas Fleet into the massed guns of the battleships of the British Grand Fleet.
+++ NEW! The Ultimate Battle of Jutland Resource Pack +++
This unique package is crammed with exclusive diagrams, images and rare hard-to-find resources that would take you weeks to find - even if you knew where to look.
+++ Image Gallery +++
A gallery of photographs displaying the ships and admirals of the British and German fleets that took part in the Battle of Jutland.
+++ Site Map +++
A list of every page on this web site.